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发布日期:2017-02-19 阅读:

报告题目:Studies on the mechanism(s) of oral sensation of oil/fat

主 讲 人 :Miodrag Glumac 在读博士生




      Miodrag Glumac (Mio),浙江工商大学食品学院食品口腔加工方向在读博士生,导师为陈建设教授,主要从事脂肪的口腔感官机理研究。硕士毕业于塞尔维亚诺维萨德大学生物与生态学院,导师为Boris Pejin教授;硕士期间主要从事木生真菌水提物作为天然多酚来源的研究,发表SCI论文一篇,会议论文两篇,会议海报展示四次。也曾连续三年担任诺维萨德大学微生物实验室实验员及诺维萨德高中生物教师。




      Human perception is complex system which utilizes different strategies to obtain a stimulus when perceiving fat-containing food. Description of these processes requires knowledge from several disciplines: food science, chemistry, biology, physics and psychology. There are several theories which at some aspects seem contradictory and others where they are complementary. Theories about orals sensation of oil\fat can be classified as following: 1 Fat/oil is perceived when Free fatty acids (FFA) released from triglycerides are detected by chemoreceptors on the tongue surface in taste buds; 2 Somatosensory receptors detect fat/oil texture and neurons perceive it as texture-specific signal; 3 Multimodal perception of fat/oil from food, involving aroma, taste and tactile cues that form a comprehensive stimulus. Instrumental and human tests will be employed for this investigation, whilst instrumental analysis will be the main focus of this project, human studies will be applied whenever necessary in order to obtain supporting evidences. Olfactory, gustatory and somatosensory will be the main sensory cues for the investigation. Visual and audio cues will not be included in this study. Proposed topics of this thesis are as follows: 1 How capable are human individuals in differentiating oil/fat substances from non-oil\fat substances; 2 Individualism of oil/fat sensation; 3 Does salivary lipase influence our sensation of oil/fat; 4 Does oil/fat-related aroma influence our sensation of oil/fat; 5 Will sources of oil/fat (animal or plant) influence our sensation; 6 How effective are currently available fat-replacers in replacing oil/fat from food formulation; 7 Does our brain act differently when sensing oil/fat.

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