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硕士生导师 郦萍
发布日期:2018-08-04 阅读:
姓 名 : 郦萍 性 别 :
职 务 : 硕士生导师 职 称 :讲师
教学科目 : 地 点:
联系电话 : Email :

郦萍,女,1981年2月出生,浙江诸暨人,博士。2009获浙江大学生命科学学院微生物学专业博士学位; 2009~2014年在美国Florida State University从事博士后研究工作;2015年3月起任职于浙江工商大学食品与生物工程学院。在国内外学术期刊上发表论文13篇,其中10篇被SCI收录。过去五年,主要以酿酒酵母为研究对象,研究与人类疾病相关蛋白或基因对细胞周期的调控机理;参与美国国家自然基金NSF项目 “Mechanism of Spindle Pole Body Duplication and Separation in Yeast Meiosis”及”Condensin-Mediated Chromosome Organization During Meiosis”。今后将主要研究:






[1] Ping Li, Yize Shao, Hui Jin, Hong-Guo Yu∗. Ndj1, a telomere-associated protein, regulates centrosome separation in budding yeast meiosis, The Journal of Cell Biology, in press. 5-year IF: 10.398.

[2] Ping Li , Hui Jin, Hong-Guo Yu∗. Condensin suppresses recombination and regulates double-strand break processing at the repetitive rDNA array to ensure proper chromosome segregation during meiosis in budding yeast, Molecular biology of the cell, 2014, 25 (19): 2934-47. 5-year IF: 5.154.

[3] Fengzhi Jin, Hong Liu (共同第一), Ping Li, Hong-Guo Yu, Yanchang Wang∗. Loss of function of the Cik1/Kar3 motor complex results in chromosomes with syntelic attachment that are sensed by the tension checkpoint, PLoS Genetics, 2012, 8(2).

[4] Ping Li , Hui Jin, Margaret L Hoang, Hong-Guo Yu∗. Tracking chromosome dynamics in live yeast cells: coordinated movement of rDNA homologs and anaphase disassembly of the nucleolus during meiosis, Chromosome research, 2011; 19(8):1013-26.

[5] XueChang Wu∗, Ping Li ( 共同第一), ChaoDong Qian, Ou Li,YinYan Zhou. Trimeric coiled coil domain from human Pulmonary surfatcant-associated protein D enhance biological activity and stability of TRAIL, Molecular Immunology, 2009, 46: 2381-2388.

[6] Ping Li , JianYing Zhou, YinYan Zhou, ChaoDong Qian, Ou Li, Hang Min∗, XueChang Wu∗. The Coiled-coil Neck Domain of Human Pulmonary Surfactant Protein D Drives Trimerization and Stabilization of Thioredoxin, a Heterologous Non-collagenous Protein. Protein Pept Lett, 2009,16(3):306-311.

[7] 周银燕,郦萍,吴雪昌∗.TRAIL 与肿瘤治疗, 科技通报, 2009, 25(3):288-293.

[8] GenFu Wu∗, Ping Li, XueChang Wu. Regulation of Escherichia coli IscS desulfurase activity by ferrous iron and cysteine. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2008, 374:399- 404.

[9] 郦萍,吴雪昌∗.肿瘤细胞抗TRAIL凋亡诱导的分子机制,细胞生物学杂, 2006, 28: 153-159.



1. 冷泉港酵母细胞生物学会议 (Yeast cell biology meeting),2011.8

Poster: Distict role of condensin in supression of meiotic recombination and reqiurement for DNA double-strand break repair in budding yeast.

2. 美国东南地区酵母会议 (Southeastern regional yeast meeting),2012.2

Poster 1: Condensin plays a dual role in restricting meiotic recombination and promoting DSB repair at the rDNA gene cluster during yeast meiosis.

Poster 2: Regulation of spindle pole body duplication and separation in yeast meiosis.




E-mail: liping@zjsu.edu.cn

上一条: 硕士生导师 张燕平 2018-08-04
下一条: 博士生导师 梁新乐 2018-08-04

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